Fountain Fun
Jake and I took Ethan to the Addison fountains a little while ago and it was so funny! I promise we're not TRYING to give him a mouthful of water - poor kid! We are so mean! Good thing he loves the water. (And yes, I am wearing Jake's shorts, and no, I am not wearing a prego swimsuit like I should be. I just squeeze my huge self into a normal swimsuit...that's why I look so stunning in this footage.) Also, Jake just got done with his two week break and is back at school now, so we're back in the saddle again. Trimester 4! We're ALMOST half way there! Geesh this school thing lasts forever! He's brilliant though, doing great and we know it will be worth it in the end. We're so proud of you honey! Go Jake!!!
So fun. And you are far from huge.
Love you guys. Miss you. Wish we could play too. Peace from a land far away.
Hooray for fountains! I love Ethan's mohawk in the first picture :)
Congrats on tri 4 Jake!
Hooray for fountains! I love Ethan's mohawk in the first picture :)
Congrats on tri 4 Jake! looks like you guys are having a know...this is the stuff that Ethan will look back on when he is 16 and say, "you guys were so mean to me!" LOL...
That and are so not HUGE. But I do highly recommend prego swimsuits as they allow you to totally stick your gut out and feel good about it. HA HA Ha.
That video is hilarious! Gotta love Ethan. Hey, we were wanting to check up on you guys and see if Dallas has received any side effects of hurricane Ike! We are thinking about you and hope all is well! Let us know!
Emma and Jake! Ethan is absolutely adorable and that video is hilarious. I am still trying to figure out how to put video on our blog. How is everything going? Are you so excited for little guy #2. That is so awesome. Hope you are well.
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