Thursday, May 8, 2008

Eggs and Ducks

The other day, Jake and I were hanging out together with Ethan and out of nowhere Jake said, "I want to go throw an egg at a duck". Now this is ironic for three reasons: 1.) the ducks that hang out in our back yard are one of Jakes favorite things in our apartment complex 2.) Jake dosn't usually do things like this - especially in the middle of the day and 3.) where in the world did that impulse come from?!? After laughing about this for at least a minute I realized that he was serious and proceeded to watch him get two eggs out of the refrigerator and walk outside to our back patio.

The first attempt was thrown with all his might and, fortuanately for the ducks, a tree branch took the brunt of the blow. In order to redeem himself from his first try, the second throw was aimed inbetween the two tree branches and once again, suffered the fate of the first. (Although in Jakes defense, it was a rather tough shot.) I am happy to say that no ducks were actually harmed in this process, and Jake still felt relieved of whatever agression had been built up inside him.

Needless to say, it was a very productive day of vacation.


Blogger k.young said...

Ha ha ha! That is so funny! I have never met Jake, but he just sounds so fun!! :)

May 9, 2008 at 8:19 PM  
Blogger Chesno Slova said...

Wow. Really Jake?

You are officially never allowed to the farm. You will not touch my eggs, chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, or any other animals.

On second thought, if you want to mess with the bee hives, I'll let you!

May 14, 2008 at 4:07 PM  

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