Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Baby Boy Hansen

A Profile of the Man:

Name: Unkown ....(Probably Jack? We'll see - we might have to fight in Sumo suits for that one.)

Age: 24 Weeks

Occupation: Food Connesieur

Activities: Swimming, trying out new foods, karate, listening to music and relaxing in my hot tub

Interesting Facts: I'm about as long as an ear of corn

Enjoys: Meeting new people, being adored and just "kickin'" it!

Favorite Quote: "Little men have big hearts"

Looking for: A way out

Monday, July 21, 2008

Jake's Birthday Party!

Here are some pictures from Jake's birthday party!!!

We had it at a park near our apartment. We ate lots of cake, ice cream, and root-beer floats, I proclaimed 27 of the reasons that I love Jake, and we all just got to hang out. The kids loved the playground, the husbands loved the large area of grass (they played football, frisbee and soccer all night), and the wives enjoyed being able to chat. Towards the end we had a little bit of a waterballoon throw at the guys too - to cool off their hot ego's about triumphantly kicking eachothers tails at sports. I was too busy hosting to get any really good pictures though. (Anyone want to share your pics? )

Thanks for coming everyone and Happy Birthday again Jake!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Ode To Jake

As some of you might know, Jake had a birthday a couple of days ago! I slacked on my wifely duties and was so busy with all of the party arrangements, that I didn't have time to get this post out on the big day. (Babe, I hope you'll forgive me.) However, I still wanted to pay a tribute to the man I know and love, and share with the world some of what has helped mold him into the amazing person he is. So, without furthur adeu, here he is. Happy Birthday Jake!!!

The Fam...(Jake is in the front wearing a trendy pink shirt and tie)

This is either a picture of Jake being "Stuart" from Mad TV ("Doooooooon't ! Let me do it!!") or the skit, "Soldier Boy". I can never remember which one; classic little ham though.

Jake with Dad at Lake Powell. He still talks about those trips. We both love this picture.

Jake after a track meet at BYU. He was an amazing athlete and ran the 4x4 and 4oo Meter Sprint. What a fox.

Grandpa Butler was so proud that I married an Eagle Scout!

Jake after High School graduation with Mom and Dad Hansen.

Kyle Bills, Robby Pratt, President Alexander and Jake. These guys were great mission buddies. Still are actually. Hooray for incredible friends!

The love of my life. He made this picture look good:)

The best dad ever. Happy Birthday sweetheart! I love you so much!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I just wanted to wish a very very very happy birthday to my sister Krista.

Your the best Kris. May all the Dr. Pepper in Dublin Texas find its way to your front door and into your stomach. :-) Love you!!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I was checking out the blog world today, when I realized that I was"tagged" by my sister Anna! So here are some things about me that you may or may not find amusing...enjoy.

Four Places I've Lived:
1. Portland, Oregon
2. Walnut Creek, California
3. Denver, Colorado
4. Carrollton, Texas

Four Favorite Books:
1. The Scriptures
2. Twilight Series
3. The Life of Pi (hahaha! Just kidding Jake!)
4. The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Four Favorite Movies:
1. Waking Ned Divine
2. A Walk To Remember
3. Pride and Prejudice (The 6 hour version)
4. Newsies

Four Embarrassing Facts About Me:
1. I forget things almost instantly...think of Dori on "Finding Nemo", and that's pretty much me.
2. I enjoy watching the Lawrence Welk Show
3. I'm clueless and completely gullible
4. I have no sense of direction and will drive around for hours looking for something I SWEAR was right there.

Four Pet Peeves:
1. People who don't use their blinkers while driving
2. Stray eyebrow hairs
3. When a perfectly clean and/or freshly ironed shirt falls on the ground due to not being buttoned on the hanger...(we won't get into that though).
4. Loud, obnoxious people whose only vocabulary consists of profanity.

Four Dreams of Mine:
1. To go on an LDS mission
2. Have a piece of artwork published
3. Own a real lemon tree (and not kill it...)
4. To reach my ideal weight

I now get to "TAG" four people. They are:
1. My sister in-law Erin
2. My friend Rachel
3. My sister Eliza
4. My friend Lisa

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

MaryKay Makover

Before I emberass myself - oh wait, I've already done that - let me just say that the only reason I am posting these pictures is because I had so much fun doing this! It's a free, virtual makeover that my friend Stephanie sent me and I got hooked. You just download a picture and you can change your hair color, style, makeup...pretty much the works. I've decided that I will never go platinum blond with my skin tone though- something I always thought I shouldn't do anyway, but had to wonder about. It is so fun! All the ladies out there should try it! (And if you're REALLY daring, the men too!:)

You can enjoy the Mary Kay® Virtual Makeover for yourself at marykay.com. It's fun, free and fabulous!

Warning: Attempting to access this site may lead to hours and hours of wasted time. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

An "Amerithon" of Pictures

"Do you think anyone wants a roundhouse kick to the face while I'm wearing these bad boys? Forget about it!"

-from the movie, Napoleon Dynamite

Raising the Stars and Stripes after our Ward Fourth of July Breakfast.

After Dad's morning softball game.

Thirsty anyone? (We had such a good time swimming that Ethan got overly attatched to the water...)

American apple pie. (With a star on it might we add.) And Jake getting overly attatched...
Like father like son I guess!

Over the weekend we took so many pictures that we decided to do an "Amerithon" of pictures for everyone to see. The first batch is from the actual fourth of July day, and the second batch is from Kaboomtown which happend on the third of July. We had such a wonderful time together as a family, (Jake was off for school) and we thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. We are so greatful for our freedom! Happy Independence Day everyone!


Every year the city of Addison does a HUGE fireworks production to celebrate America. It's called "Kaboomtown" - and the name fits! This year we went with Clark and Jo Rudd (Emma's cousins) and met up with a bunch of other friends while we were there. It was AMAZING. Besides the incredible show of fireworks, there was a ton of music and other festivities to enjoy. Jake went around to all the booths and tried to win free stuff (of course...and he took Ethan as bait) and Emma spent almost the whole night painting faces on friends and even a few strangers. (We charged the strangers a buck each...next year we're setting up a booth!) Here are some details:

Jake collected:

*A bag of popcorn
*Two star light up necklaces
*A mini tool kit
*A beach ball
*A waterbottle
*Chapstick (cause his lips hurt real bad...)
*And some great memories:)

(Jake also wanted to point out that our friend Juan who went with him won a ruler. Yay Juan!)

Emma Painted:

*Stars (Ethan's became a shooting star because he smeared it on Dad's shirt...)
*The statue of Liberty
*The American Flag (sometimes in different colors...)
*A car watching the fireworks
*And some great memories:)

(Emma wanted to point out that she should have taken more pictures of her creations so she could charge strangers more next year.)

Hooray for America!

Pop Dancing

Ethan is practicing his dance moves. We wish we had more video of it but at least you'll get the idea of how he entertains us whenever he hears a good beat. In this case, it was the Tuba that got him going.
The next part of the video is Ethan eating popcorn for the first time...aparently he got the Hansen "popcorn" gene too! Mmmmmm!

Plane Tricks

At Kaboomtown there were a bunch of planes doing loop-dee-looos and all sorts of tricks that were so cool to watch! They even had one person strapped to the top of one of the planes while the pilot flew all over the place... amazing! This video is just a taste of some of the cool things they were doing. Enjoy!

Did YOU vote?

The results are in! It is decided, 7-5 that Ethan looks more like Emma than he looks like Jake! It's always interesting to see outsider perspectives! And who knows what the future will bring! Thanks for giving us your opinions. Now we just have to see who our next little guy will look like:)! Hooray for family!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Happy 4th of July