I was checking out the blog world today, when I realized that I was"tagged" by my sister Anna! So here are some things about me that you may or may not find amusing...enjoy.
Four Places I've Lived:1. Portland, Oregon
2. Walnut Creek, California
3. Denver, Colorado
4. Carrollton, Texas
Four Favorite Books:1. The Scriptures
2. Twilight Series
3. The Life of Pi (hahaha! Just kidding Jake!)
4. The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Four Favorite Movies:1. Waking Ned Divine
2. A Walk To Remember
3. Pride and Prejudice (The 6 hour version)
4. Newsies
Four Embarrassing Facts About Me:1. I forget things almost instantly...think of Dori on "Finding Nemo", and that's pretty much me.
2. I
enjoy watching the Lawrence Welk Show
3. I'm clueless and completely gullible
4. I have no sense of direction and will drive around for hours looking for something I SWEAR was right there.
Four Pet Peeves:
1. People who don't use their blinkers while driving
2. Stray eyebrow hairs
3. When a perfectly clean and/or freshly ironed shirt falls on the ground due to not being buttoned on the hanger...(we won't get into that though).
4. Loud, obnoxious people whose only vocabulary consists of profanity.
Four Dreams of Mine:1. To go on an LDS mission
2. Have a piece of artwork published
3. Own a real lemon tree (and not kill it...)
4. To reach my ideal weight
I now get to "TAG" four people. They are:1. My sister in-law Erin
2. My friend Rachel
3. My sister Eliza
4. My friend Lisa