Thursday, May 29, 2008

Babystrology Counter

Alright everyone. I need an opinion. I put the little "Babystrology" countdown clock on our blog because I thought it would be cute, and it also helps me remember how much longer it will be until Lucky gets here (it's the little black box to the right with the baby in it...). However, Jake thinks it is completely hideous and that the baby inside it looks like an alien. He even makes wierd alienish sounds when he talks about it. I guess he thinks we need something more esthetically pleasing. I am undecided. I just put the first thing on that I found. What do you think? What kinds of emotions does this little ticker bring out in you?

Monday, May 26, 2008

One Word

Answer the following with only one word.
1. Where is your cell phone? .................... lost
2. Your significant other?....................... studying
3. Your hair?.................................... dissheveled
4. Your mother? ................................. incredible
5. Your father?.................................. interesting
6. Your favorite thing?.......................... peace
7. Your dream last night?........................ none
8. Your favorite drink........................... water
9. Your dream/goal?.............................. skinny
10. The room you're in?.......................... boring
11. Your child?..................................... wonderful
12. Your fear?................................... distrust
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years........... happy
14. Where were you last night?................... awake
15. What you're not?............................. motivated
16. Muffins...................................... depends
17. One of your wish list items?................. house
18. Where you grew up?........................... Oregon
19. What you read last........................ "Eclipse"
20. What are you wearing?........................ frumpy
21. Your TV?..................................... silent
22. Your pets?...................................weird
23. Your computer? ..............................overworked
24. Your life?...................................stressful
25. Your mood?................................... tired
26. Missing someone?............................. always
27. Your car?....................................blessing
28. Something you're not wearing?................socks
29. Favorite Store?.............................. Wal-mart
30. Your summer?................................. stifiling
31. Like someone?................................ probably
32. Your favorite color?.........................all
33. Last time you laughed........................afternoon
34. Last time you cried?......................... morning

Friday, May 23, 2008

It's a Boy!!!! :-)

We just found out that Ethan is going to be the big brother.......of a baby brother. :-D
We are so excited that we don't have to say in our prayers " and please bless baby brother or sister". Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to everyone who has done so much for our family to asure that Emma and the babies are doing well. We continue to ask for everyones faith and prayers that all will continue to go well with Emma's and the babies health. HOOOOOOOORAY FOR BABY BOYS! ( and one day maybe, baby girls) :-)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Ethan's 1 year old pictures :-)

Sorry it took forever to post but here are some of the pictures we took for Ethan's 1 year old b-day. We had a blast taking them and he had a blast eating apples for 2 hours. :-D

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Hansen Baby #2!

The Hansen family is expecting a new member this November! We are so excited and cannot wait to meet this eager little spirit and welcome it into our family!

We found out on St. Patrick's Day, and to honor that Emma has decided to nickname this little one "Lucky" - we hope it fits! The doctors say that everything is looking wonderful so far. Emma is currently at 13 weeks and the official due date is on November 19th. She's doing GREAT! A little nauseated and tired, but we expected that since it comes with the territory. Her Diabetes is under control, and she has been working hard to keep her blood sugars perfect. The doctors are very pleased so far. We haven't seen an ophthalmologist yet, but are optomistic about the retinopithy that occured in her eyes when she was pregnant with Ethan, because it almost completely diminished after he was born. (Something OUR ophthalmologist did not anticipate, but we found out from other sources that it's actually very common for it to go away after the birth. Needless to say, we are NOT using the same eye doctor for this pregnancy.)

We thank all of you for your love and concern, especially those of you who have been so supportive and excited. It really means so much to us! We love you all! Thank you!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Eggs and Ducks

The other day, Jake and I were hanging out together with Ethan and out of nowhere Jake said, "I want to go throw an egg at a duck". Now this is ironic for three reasons: 1.) the ducks that hang out in our back yard are one of Jakes favorite things in our apartment complex 2.) Jake dosn't usually do things like this - especially in the middle of the day and 3.) where in the world did that impulse come from?!? After laughing about this for at least a minute I realized that he was serious and proceeded to watch him get two eggs out of the refrigerator and walk outside to our back patio.

The first attempt was thrown with all his might and, fortuanately for the ducks, a tree branch took the brunt of the blow. In order to redeem himself from his first try, the second throw was aimed inbetween the two tree branches and once again, suffered the fate of the first. (Although in Jakes defense, it was a rather tough shot.) I am happy to say that no ducks were actually harmed in this process, and Jake still felt relieved of whatever agression had been built up inside him.

Needless to say, it was a very productive day of vacation.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Camping in Oklahoma