Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Well Trimester 2 of 9 is done and I have a 2 week break before #3 begins. Hoooooooray for vacation!!!! So we went on a much needed camping trip to Okalahoma with Dan and Becca (Emma's sister ) It was a blast. Ethan had the time of his life with his two adorible cousins Margie and Jakey. They had so much fun eating dirt, leaves, bugs, sticks, rocks etc... We played in a warm Sulphor river that Ethan and the kids had a ball in. He did not want to get out. We drank about 2,000 Dr. Peppers, had foil dinners and Smores and enjoyed the night sky full of stars. ( I didn't think Stars still existed, who knew?)Later that night when we were all cozy in our tents we could hear that we had a little visiter in the camp but since we had put the garbage up high and the rest of the food was in the coolers, we didn't think much of it. Boy were we wrong. We woke up the next morning and found that a racoon and opened up the coolers and found a bag of Granola bars and suckers and drug them off and ate ALL OF THEM. I'll show you a little video of it.
It was a fuuuuuuuun trip. Hooooooooray for camping!!!

Camping in Oklahoma....(where the wind comes sweeping down the plains)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Ok, here are the details for entering into the giveaway for some beautiful jewlery.

Rules for the giveaway: (go to the sassandsavvy link below)
1. Visit my shop and choose 3 items that you like.
2. Make a comment on her blog with the 3 items you liked.(thevandykefamily.blogspot.com)
3. Make a post on your blog with these rules including the back links.
4. All entries must be received by Saturday April 26, 2008 midnight MST.

The winner will be announced and will receive one of the items of their choice! Also as an opening special I will include free shipping with every order until Saturday April 26, 2008!!!

Just click on the "SassandSavvy" Logo on my her blog (thevandykefamily.blogspot.com)

Good Luck!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Ok. We got some cool stuff we want to let people know about. Jake's sister Emily has been making some beautiful jewlery for a long time and has finaly started an online store. Check it out under our favorite blogs/site's we like. It's called sass and saavy. She is going to be doing a giveaway of some of her jewlery. Just check out her link and read the details.
Emily has a friend who is also doing a giveaway of some cute shirts. Check it out at http://www.nelle-b.blogspot.com/

Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Ethan's 1st Birthday!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

For Ethan's Birthday this year we had a party with our friends, the Bills, whose boys were also both born on April 6th. We went to a park, had hot dogs, cake and a lot of fun! We also had a little party for Ethan at home too where he opened presents and had even MORE cake! We loved watching him dig in! We can't believe our baby is 1 year old!

Emma's 25th Birthday!

For my birthday, Jake decorated the house with streamers and put these "Happy Birthday" signs all over the house. Literally, they were everywhere - inside cupboards, on the walls, in the shower, on Ethan's highchair...EVERYWHERE! It was so much fun to wake up to! This was my favorite location that I found them in.

Apparently Ethan picked out all the sprinkles and colors for my birthday cake. Jake thought it was ugly but I thought it was perfect:)!

There were balloons all over the floor, so I had to swim in them! (Notice there are more b-day signs on the floor too?)

I had the best birthday this year!!! Jake woke up EXTRA early and made me breakfast in bed, he decorated the whole entire house, and I didn't have to cook anything! We had Olive Garden for lunch and PF Chang's for dinner...(that's how Jake cooks! Yummo!) and Jake even watched Ethan while I went to Cold Stone for some birthday ice cream with my friend Stephanie. At the end of the day we had a small shindig with some friends and ate more cake. It was awesome! I have everything I ever wanted for my 25th birthday! I love my sweethearts! Thanks Jake and Ethan, for making my birthday so special! I love you!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

One year older and wiser too.....

Happy Birthday Ethan!!!!! We can't believe that one year ago from today we were at the hospital recieving one of the greatest gifts we could ever ask for. What a wonderful year it has been. Ethan you are the Dr. Pepper of our eyes, the insulin in Mom's diabetic pump, the Chiro in Dad's practic, the tractor in Grampa Hansen's back yard, the 95% off deal Grandma Hansen found, the Marly in Paga's burger, and the " sweetest lamb" in Grandma Annie's fold.

We love you more than you will ever know!!!
Happy Birthday Ethan!!!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

HAPPY 25TH EMMA B!!!!! :-D

Happy Birfday to you!!!! Happy Birfday to you!!!! Happy Birfday Emma/Mommy,Happy Birfday to you!!!!

Now in Spanish: Feliz cumpleanos a ti! Feliz cumpleanos a ti! Feliz cumpleanos a Emma/Mamita, Feliz cumpleanos a ti!

Now in Tahitian: Ma'hana o'wa o'wa na'away Ma'hana o'wa o'wa na'away Ma'hana o'wa o'wa na'away Emma'ay Ma'hana o'wa o'wa na'away !!! :-)

Now in Ethan: j kllllllllllasfdkljjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjfjf 22454 55 554 fsda jjjjj jfdk j j vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvm,cvv11211221121vvv................
Happy Birthday my sweetest sweet heart!!!!

Party Invitations

These are the invitations I made for Ethan's 1st Birthday party this year. He is having a joint party with our good friends the Bills' two boys, Sam and Alex, since they were all born on the same day (April 6th). My amazing friend Lisa took this picture, and we decided it was a good one to use because it totally shows a little of each of the boys personality: Ethan is totally dissinterested in everything else around him except for the intruiging leaf that captured his attention, Sam is posing and smiling adoribly, and Alex is trying to get to his mom. Classic. We love our boys!