Friday, August 31, 2007

Sick Boy

Sick Boy

Ethan has been sick and has also had thrush in his mouth, so we put some Gentian Violet in his mouth to kill it. We had to take some pictures. The others are of him when he was feeling sick so we put him in the Laundry basket right after we had taken the clothes out of the Dryer. He loooooooooooooooooved it.

Play Time

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Fireworks in Honor of Jake Smitting Organic Chemistry

And it came to pass that Organic Chemistry was smitten. Yea, it was smitten until it was dead-eth.

" Ding dong, Organic Chemistry is dead, Organic Chemistry is dead. Ding dong, Organic Chemistry is dead". I finaly passed Organic Chemistry, and can move on to bigger and more better things. In honor of me passing my Final, Emma and the City of Dallas put on some fireworks for me. Really guys, you shouldn't have. Enjoy the show above!!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Oklahoma!!! ( Click on a picture to see it or put cursor on it to slow it down and center it)

Oklahoma!! (does the wind really come sweeping down the plains?)

We had a much needed mini vacation this weekend in the great state of Oklahoma. Our good friends Tom and Kelly were passing through on their way back to North Carolina so we decided to make a trip to see them and Dan & Becca. Dan and Becca Martin( and Margie and Jacob) were so awesome to let us stay and veg at their place. We had a blast!!! We went to the Bass Pro Shop, Brick Town and walked around the cool river walk. Ethan loved hangin' out with his cuzins' Jacob and Margie. We can't believe how big Ethan is getting. We had a checkup for him last week and he is in the 99% for height and weight. (ain't no muscle like Hansen muscle)

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Family Pictures

While we were in Utah, my most incredible, totaly bodacious sisters Laurel and Emily took some family pictures of us. Laurel was on her knees for about 45 minutes making Ethan laugh and then she would jump out of the way and Emily would hurry and snap the picture. (That's why his eyes are a little to the side in the pictures.) Here are a few of them.